MAY 24, 2012
Chairman Story called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance to our flag. In attendance were Selectmen Story, Bear, Bulgaris, Mountain and Walker.
Planner Martha Taylor gave a brief update on the Yellow School. She presented a revised plan for the lot line change between the school and the community arts building which clarifies the flow of the stream. It will be necessary to obtain an easement from the Perreaults for access to maintain and repair the drainage. She also noted that an unofficial test of the land showed it will support the necessary repairs to the septic system. Taylor spoke on the B2B Trail meeting with Metropolitan Planning regarding the allocation of federal funding for the next five years. Metropolitan Planning voted to use excess funds for Rte. 97 work and additional bus service. They discussed moving the Georgetown to Byfield Center phase of the
trail to the 2015 period to take advantage of this type of funding. This would need a vote of the Board. Chairman Story noted that a finalized lease (99 year lease) with National Grid would also be needed to move forward. It was agreed to further discuss the B2B Trail funding and lease agreement at the June 12th meeting.
Several residents of Colby Village addressed the Board with their concerns regarding the results of their ATM article. How to research and remedy the concerns raised at the meeting were discussed. Chairman Story suggested checking with the Department of Public Utilities to see if a right of way or easement for the utilities can be determined. Unfortunately it was impossible to discuss the matter at the meeting as the motion to table the article took precedence. It was suggested they research the passage of Fatherland Farms and reform the article for the fall town meeting.
Emily Sullivan and Sally Milliken of the NES Outdoor Grounds Committee and Dr. Tracey (Principal of NES) were present to speak on the “Slow the Flow” grant awarded by the Wildlife Refuge to NES to work on rain water issues. Ms. Sullivan noted that a rain water garden is planned for the school grounds (all town property). A slide presentation showing educational gardens (rain water garden, rock plan garden and vegetable garden) outdoor classrooms and an educational trail were discussed. Phase One (rain water garden) is being supported by the grant and $800 from the PTA as matching funds. Dr. Tracy noted that the townspeople are very supportive of these plans. The Conservation Commission will need to be involved as much of the
land may be classified as wetlands. They asked for a waiver of the $75 fee to CC for a determination of applicability for the rain garden work. Selectman Bear moved to waive the $75 fee for a determination of applicability, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted unanimously. Selectman Bear moved to support the NES Outdoor Grounds Committee use of the grant funds for Phase One of their plans, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted unanimously.
Chief Michael Reilly updated the Board on the Police fleet and a proposed motorcycle lease for the summer season. It was moved by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted unanimously to allow Chief Reilly to pursue the motorcycle lease. The status of the fleet was discussed to address concerns raised at the ATM.
A request from Greg Pugh of the Beachcoma Restaurant to allow an acoustic guitar player to entertain on Sunday, May 27th from 4-7 p.m. was approved on a motion by Selectman Bulgaris, seconded by Selectman Bear and voted unanimously.
A one-day liquor license was approved for Protection Fire Co. #2 for a function on June 2nd from 1-5 p.m. on a motion by Selectman Bulgaris, seconded by Selectman Bear and voted unanimously.
A one-day liquor license was approved for Ipswich Ale/Turkey Shore Distillery/SPLF for a benefit function at Spencer Peirce Little Farm on June 9th from 12- 8:30 p.m. (rain date June 17th from 12 – 8:30 p.m.) on a motion by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Walker and voted unanimously.
A one-day liquor license was approved for Mercury Brewing/Turkey Shore Distillery/SPLF for Draft Horse Plow Day June 2nd from 12-4 p.m. (rain date June 3rd from 12-4 p.m.) on a motion by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Walker and voted unanimously.
The minutes of the May 9th meeting were accepted as presented on a motion by Selectman Bulgaris, seconded by Selectman Walker and voted by Bulgaris, Walker and Story. Selectmen Bear and Mountain abstained as they were not present at the meeting.
A notice from National Grid regarding service interruptions on Wednesday, May 30th from 12-3 a.m. was read and entered into the records. A thank you note from Martie Joe, Director of COA was read and entered into the records.
Chairman Story gave a brief update on the School Committee meeting that he and Selectman Bulgaris attended regarding combining the Junior and Senior High. He noted that this is basically an administrative structure change. New nutritional guidelines from the Feds, State and Internal Wellness Committee were also discussed. Selectman Mountain advised that the Media Committee was close to issuing bid documents for equipment. Once bids are received, equipment can be ordered. Staffing is still under discussion.
Warrants were signed for the Town Administrator.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. on a motion by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Sirois, Admin. Asst.